Announcement for a Consultant

Announcement for a Consultant

Lao National Chamber of Commerce and Industry  is looking for consultant to services for the organizing the 2nd ASEAN Skills Development Awards Laos and “Ready4Work” festival, implemented by Lao National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LNCCI)  in Vientiane, Lao PDR

Duration of the work: January 2023 to March 2023 (3 Months)

Place of work:           Vientiane capital, Lao PDR

 Scope of work:

The consultant is expected to support and service the events as below:

  • Thorough review of existing national and regional criteria for businesses award and other to ensure that the development of new criteria is in line with the update result.
  • Alignment with ASEAN SDA criteria for businesses 2022 and additional specification of selection criteria (e.g., for excellent collaboration on TVET, outstanding training providing company) for Lao companies.
  • Designing additional award categories and selection criteria for TVET graduates and in-company trainers
  • Develop a list of criteria to awardee in coordination with the stakeholders.
  • Meetings with representatives of GIZ VELA, TVET Department (MoES), VEDI, National Training Council-Permanent Office (NTC-PO) to explain and adjust consultancy objectives, outputs, methodology and timeframe and to gain commitment to the activity.
  • Development of promotional material.
  • Support during the application process
  • Review and present the background of the judges. Follow up the judges to provide full information to ABA Laos secretariat.
  • Support during the process of the judging the final selection of the winner.
  • Support during the Awarding night event.
  • Submit Report/post program activities to stakeholders.

Qualifications and experience:

A suitable consultant proves:

  • knowledge of the ASEAN Business Awards and related awards.
  • knowledge of Lao TVET system.
  • familiarity with the Lao business sector and private organization.
  • experience in designing award categories with their criteria.
  • minimum 3 years of experience in organizing business awards.
  • strong organizational, planning and time management skills are required.
  • ability to establish good working relationships with partners of different backgrounds.
  • excellent communication skills
  • proficient in speaking and writing in the English language.
  • good working knowledge of MS Office package or equivalent

All interested applicants should submit the following:

CV and financial offer document in English with Personal History (providing details of the required experience enumerated above), listing three references and consultancy rates quoted in Lao Kip/USD..

Applications should be sent to LNCCI Office by envelope, Phonephanao Village, Kaisonephomvihan District, Vientiane Lao PDR Avenue, P.O. Box 4596, Vientiane (Tel: 856 453312), please kindly send to Ms. Ammalin, Contact: 020 59535392.


LNCCI does not charge any application, processing, interviewing, testing or other fee in

Connection with the application or recruitment process.


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