Lao PDR provided high potential for various sectors
1 Agricultural (agro-processing)
2 Education
3 Health
4 Tourism
5 Industry: Manufacturing and Processing
6 Electricity Generation
7 Mining Sector
Sectors Opportunities
Highest ratio of forest area
Suitable land for various tree Plantation
Large stands of tropical hardwoods including teak and rosewood
Plenty of productive lands
The government is now promoting the contract farming instead of granting concession over large area of land for agriculture and tree plantation
Sectors Opportunities
1 Eco-Tourism
2 Cultural Tourism
3 Agro-Tourism
Tourism Business is now opened to FDI with Foreign Equity of up to 70%
Several natural tourist sites are welcoming FDI
Sectors Opportunities
Lao PDR is ready to be a Manufacturing Base
Logistic advantages from EWEC (linked to the sea)
Low utilities and labor cost
Special Economic Zone (Located along EWEC)
Export-Import tax exemption
Procession Industry :
Plenty of Natural resources (Tin, Coal, Wood, etc)
Promoted by the government (Tax incentive, Import export Tax exemption
Savan Seno special economic zone
Sectors Opportunities
Abundant water resources produced by tributaries of Mekong river
Estimated electricity generation potential: over 23,000 MW
Investment in Hydro-electric facilities will be substantial
Sector Opportunities
Mining industry is underdeveloped
Mining sector presents numerous potential opportunities for investment and development
mineral deposits: tin, lead, Zinc, Iron ore, copper, gold, gypsum, lignite, sapphires …
Concessions granted to foreign investors

Credit: http://www.panaust.com.au