Business Women’s Association elects new president

Business Women’s Association elects new president

On 17 Nov 2020 at Landmark Mekong Riverside Hotel, Lao Business Women’s Association (LBWA) has elected its new board of executive members to continue its role to empower women entrepreneurs in Laos.

The new board was elected during the third LBWA meeting held in Vientiane on Tuesday. The meeting was co-chaired by the Minister of Industry and Commerce, Khemmani Pholsena, the President of LBWA, Ms Chanthachone Vongxay, and the Vice President of Lao Women’s Union, Ms Sirikit Boupha.

It was attended by guests which included outstanding entrepreneurs. Accordingly, Ms Chanthachone Vongxay will continue as the President of LBWA, Ms Sirikhoun Phoumavanh and Ms Dalyvanh Sithphaxay as the Vice-Presidents, Ms Sivixay Thammalangsy as the President of Editor, and 10 candidates have been elected as consultants to the association.

Speaking after her election, Ms Chanthachone Vongxay, said, “The event allows all participants to discuss and review the implementation of the second association meeting’s results.” The challenges faced by the association in the last five years – 2015 to 2020 – as well as the future plans for 2021- 2025 were discussed in detail.

The meeting gave a thumbs up to the new improved rules of the government. The LBWA and the President of LBWA received the first-class Labour Order, Vice Presidents of LBWA received the second-class Labour Order, and seven executive members of the Board received the thirdclass Labour Order. Eleven outstanding members received Labour Medals and 32 members received Certificates of Congratulations from the government and the Ministry of Industry and Commerce. The LBWA was established by the Lao Women’s Union in September 2004. It is a non – profit organization dedicated to assembling Lao women entrepreneurs and businesswomen throughout the country.

The aim is to associate with Lao businesswomen involved in manufacturing, trade and various service industries from both the public and private sectors that are legally registered. It also enhances the knowledge and skills of Lao businesswomen with ever-changing technologies and helps them grow continuously. LBWA represents and protects the legitimate rights and interests of Lao businesswomen by offering suggestions and recommendations to the government and relevant sectors, as well as manages and promotes professions in the economic sector that Lao women are able to perform. The association sends representations of Lao businesswomen abroad to attend meetings and conferences pertaining to the economy and business operations. It also liaises with the central government and various public bodies on regional, national, ASEAN, and global stages.

Cr: Vientiane Time

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