On Monday the 15th of March 2021 at Lao National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LNCCI), under Lao PDR Competitiveness and Trade Project (LCT) and GIZ Lao VELA project hosted a capacity building activity on Public-Private Dialogue and Facilitation Skills.

The event was chaired by Vice President of LNCCI, Mr. Vanthong Sitthikoun and ran for one full day. The purpose of this activity was to enhance competitiveness to LNCCI staffs, to improve their facilitating skills and for to have better understanding on Public- Private Dialogue (PPD).

During the morning, the focus was on LBF, how and where it was developed, as well as the process and structure of PPD in Lao PDR. More importantly, highlighted during the morning session was the process of how an issue was collected from the private sector working group and raised in the actual LBF event where it is held annually.

In the afternoon session, there was another activity carried out by DCT service center. Group activities and role plays were carried out on the topic of being a good facilitator. The importance of settings and organizing layout for the appropriate type of events. Also, the ideal characteristics of a facilitator were discussed among the participants and sharing experiences from participants.

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