Lane Xang Minerals Limited Sepon Mine Supports Lao Business

Lane Xang Minerals Limited Sepon Mine Supports Lao Business

Managing Director of Lane Xang Minerals Limited (LXML) Sepon Mine, Mr Saman Aneka last week presented 80 million kip to Mr Daovone Phachanthavong, Executive Vice President of the Lao National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LNCCI).

“This contribution will further support capacity building and promote the business sector in Laos, especially during the recovery from the impacts of COVID-19,” said LXML Managing Director Mr Saman Aneka.

This year is the ninth year that LXML has contributed to the LNCCI as a supporting member to improve business capacity in Lao PDR.

LXML Sepon is a large Lao business that has operated an open-pit gold and copper mine in Savannakhet province since 2003. Over the past two decades, LXML has contributed over US$1.6 billion in direct revenue through taxes and royalties to the Lao Government, and hundreds of millions of dollars in additional indirect benefits in payments to local contractors, through community development, employment, and training.

More than 40,000 people in Vilabouly district, Savannakhet province have benefitted from LXML’s community development, totaling US$13 million worth of projects and investment, and community income through local business groups has accumulated to more than US$36 million.

Earlier thi s month,LXML celebrated a ground-breaking ceremony for an exploration decline at Sepon mine Site. The project is intended to introduce the first modern underground mine in Lao PDR. This new development will extend the life of Sepon mine with modern equipment and advanced mining techniques.

LXML has consistently maintained an A+ rating from the Lao government for ten years, and has received many awards to acknowledge the company’s contribution to economic and social development in Lao PDR, including the 2021 Outstanding Business Leader Award for COVID-19 prevention in Laos, the 2020 ASEAN Business Award for Combating COVID-19, and ASEAN Minerals Awards in 2019 and 2017.

LXML is committed to mining for excellence and as a partner in development in Lao PDR.

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