Completed the training on the topic: “In Company Trainers”

Completed the training on the topic: “In Company Trainers”

From 16-18 December 2020, the Dual Cooperative Training Service Center (DCT SC) at the Lao National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LNCCI) organized a training course on: “In Company Trainers” to the business enterprises that are members of the LNCCI.

The training chaired by Mr. Xaybandith RASPHONE, Vice President of the LNCCI and Deputy Chairman of the Steering Committee of the DCT SC. The training was attended by a total of 14 participants, 6 females.

The purpose of the training was to build and equip with knowledge and skills on the role and responsibility of In-Company trainer, management of adult teaching and learning, perform job analysis, planning and preparing training, deliver training and facilitation, assessment/feedback and develop further training effectively.

The “: “In Company Trainers” training a pilot series conducted by the master trainers created by the Regional Cooperation Programme to Improve the Quality and Labor Market Orientation of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (RECOTVET) and based on the Standard for In-Company Trainers in ASEAN Countries in creating the content of the training package.

Mr. Xaybandith RASPHONE emphasized the purpose of the training that: “The purpose of the training is to discuss and exchange knowledge and understanding on the role of trainers in the workplace and to integrate the implementation of dual cooperative vocational education into the development and promotion of skills labor”.

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