ASEAN Sustainable Tourism Solutions Expo

ASEAN Sustainable Tourism Solutions Expo

Start date: 06/11/2020 - End date: 07/11/2020

Time: 8.00-17.00

Location: ໂຮງແຮມຄຣາວພາຊາ, ນະຄອນຫຼວງວຽງຈັນ

Bringing together hospitality businesses and vendors of sustainable products, technology, and services, the ASEAN Sustainable Tourism Solutions Expo is the only event of its kind in the region. Learn about and purchase sustainable alternatives to traditional tourism and hospitality supplies, such as energy and water-saving technology, environmentally-friendly cleaning products and toiletries, plastic-free packaging, and handmade gifts and decor. The expo presents numerous opportunities for you to update your tourism business so that it is sustainable, cost-efficient, and a market leader in today’s world.
This year, the Ministry of Information, Culture, and Tourism of the Lao PDR has provided an additional platform to increase access to this information for its regional partners by bringing the expo online, helping to build resiliency and accelerate recovery from the economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. Doing so also reduces the event’s carbon footprint, and provides opportunity for more exchange about these timely issues throughout ASEAN.
Entrance to the online expo (and its webinars) is completely free

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