The Private Sector Working Group (PSWG) meeting of the General Service Sector

The Private Sector Working Group (PSWG) meeting of the General Service Sector

The Private Sector Working Group (PSWG) meeting of the General Service Sector was convened on September 3, 2024, from 8:30 AM to 12:00 PM at the Lao National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LNCCI).

Chaired by Mr. Ph.D. Khamsen SISAVONG, Vice President of the LNCCI and Deputy Head of the PSWG of the Service Sector under the Lao Business Forum (LBF) mechanism, the meeting brought together representatives from various general service businesses, including the LBF Secretariat, for a total of 48 participants (20 women).
The primary objective of the meeting was to provide an update on the progress made on issues raised during previous LBF sessions and to facilitate a discussion among general service sector businesses to identify and prioritize challenges hindering their operations. Participants were encouraged to propose recommendations to address these obstacles, which will be summarized by the LBF Secretariat for consideration and inclusion in the consultation process of the 16th LBF.
The following topics were discussed and addressed during the Private Sector Working Group meeting of the General Service Sector:
1. Foreign Exchange Stability
2. Enterprise Registration and Business License Application Procedures
3. Promotion of Domestic Production
4. Promotion of the Use of Goods and Services Produced in the Country
5. Issuance of Tax Liability Certificates at the Capital Level
6. Procedures for Organizing Events and Activities to Promote Tourism
Lao PDR Competitiveness and Trade project (LCT) is implemented by the Ministry of Industry and Commerce, with technical and financial support from the World Bank and additional financial contributions from Australia, Ireland, and the United States. The project aims to eliminate barriers to private sector-led growth by improving the regulatory environment, lowering trade costs, and raising firm-level competitiveness.

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