Mekong Lancang Council of Industry and Education (MLCIE) and (Lan-mekong China Education and Training Promotion Alliance) LCETPA join hands to create a new model for the integration of industry and education in the Lan-Mekong region

Mekong Lancang Council of Industry and Education (MLCIE) and (Lan-mekong China Education and Training Promotion Alliance) LCETPA join hands to create a new model for the integration of industry and education in the Lan-Mekong region

On August 23, 2024, “Achievements Display and Exchange about Integration of Industry and Education among Lan-Mekong Region (ADEI-IELM)” under the China ASEAN Education Cooperation Week (2024 CAECW)

was successfully held in Guiyang, Guizhou Province, PR China. Representatives from governments, chambers, schools, alliances, and enterprises from China, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Myanmar, and other countries participated in this meeting in an “online plus offline” manner.

This event is initialized by the Lao National Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Chongqing (LNCCIC) and Guizhou Open University (Guizhou Vocational and Technical College), organized by the Lan-mekong China Education and Training Promotion Alliance (LCETPA) and Guizhou Vocational and Technical College of Electronic Information (GVTCEI), and co-organized by the Guizhou Vocational Education Society, Lan-Mekong Industry Education (Chongqing) Business, Asin ASEAN Commerce (Chongqing) and others.

The main domestic leaders in attendance include Yang Tianyi, Deputy Director General of the Education Department of Guizhou Province, Linghu Caitao, Secretary General of Guizhou Open University, Zhan Gang, President of Guizhou Vocational College of Electronic Information, and Allan Yang, Chief Representative of LNCCIC;

Guests from the Lan-Mekong region include H.E. Daovone Phachanthavong, LNCCI Executive Vice Chairman, Dean of the Lao Vocational Education Development Institute (VEDI), Dean of the Lao Institute of Industry and Commerce (IIC), Vice President of Lao Airlines, Chief Engineer of the Lao National Railway Group, LNCCI Executive Secretary General, Fei Cui, Secretary General of LCETPA and Managing Director of Asin ASEAN (Chongqing), HR head of NTTI of Cambodia, Head of Vocational Center of UNESCO from Shenzhen Polytechnic University。

Meanwhile, Deputy Minister of Home Affairs of Lao PDR, Secretary of State from Ministry of Labor and Vocational Training of Cambodia, Head of the National TVET Council of Lao PDR, Chairman of East Alliance of Vocational Education in Thailand, Vice President of Asia-Potash, and President of Yangon University of Computer Science in Myanmar also attended online and delivered speeches respectively.

Then the meeting entered the MOC signing and certificates awarding stage:

  1. Guizhou Open University, GVTCEI, Wuhan City Polytechnic, BYD Auto, Guangxi Technological College of Machinery and Electricity, signed successfully with Laos National Railway Group, Laos Airlines, VEDI, IIC and LCETPA in total of 5 projects respectively.
  2. In order to carry out more pragmatic China-ASEAN vocational education cooperation and better carry out the comprehensive work of the Mekong-Lancang Council of Industry and Education (MLCIE), Daovone Phachanthavong Executive Vice Chairman of LNCCI on behalf of LNCCI and MLCIE, presented Fei Cui with the appointment letter of the Executive Deputy Secretary General of the MLCIE;
  3. Award appointment letters to seven senior advisors as the first steering committee members for MLCIE, including Chongqing Polytechnic University of Electronic Technology, Guangdong Industry Polytechnic University and other top ranking polytechnic universities in China),
  4. Award 3 plaques to the first batch of “China-Laos Centers for Occupational Standards to Co-Develop and Implement” in Guizhou region.

As the event reached to conclusion, H.E Daovone Phachanthavong Executive Vice Chairman of LNCCI made a summary speech. He mentioned that during today symposium, the participants elaborated on how to promote the development of international vocational education through industry education integration and international cooperation from different perspectives such as the government, universities, chambers of commerce, and enterprises through keynote, exchange speeches and achievement displays. The discussion was both theoretical and supported by case studies, laying a solid foundation for further deepening of industry education integration and practical cooperation. In international education regional cooperation, we look forward to everyone continuing to make good use of resources and platforms such as LNCCI, MLCIE and LCETPA to discuss together, build together, and share together!

This Display and Exchange symposium has formed a series of key and valuable consensus on vocational education, and implemented some promising and highly applicable industry and education integration projects, making the confidence in deepening regional integration of industry and education more firm and much clearer for innovating vision with more cooperation models. The achievements of promoting cultural exchange and mutual learning through education as a link will also be more fruitful!


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